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The world uses a single system of buoyage, internationally recognised and created by the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities, to guide and advise ship traffic. There are two defined regions, IALA A and IALA B.

180 150W  120W  90W   60W   30W  000   30E   60E   90E   120E  150E 180
|    |     |     |     |     |    |     |     |     |     |     |     |
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Map 1998 Matthew Thomas. Freely usable as long as this line is included

This map shows which areas use IALA A and B. The only difference between the two regions is the colour of buoyage used when coming in and out of port.

Starboard Buoy

Purpose: Marks the starboard side of a channel.

Colour: Green in IALA A, Red in IALA B

Topmark: Cone

Light Colour: Green in IALA A, Red in IALA B

Light Pattern: Green in any pattern except Fl(2+1) (Reserved for Preferred channel Marker)

 ███             █                   
 ███           ▄███▄            ▄    
 ███            ▒▓▒            ▄█▄   
 ███           ▒ ▒ ▒          ▄███▄  
 ███          ▒  ▒  ▒        ▄█████▄ 
 ███         █▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█      ▄███████▄
 ███         █████████      █████████

Starboard Markers in IALA A. Note the Cone topmark on the Spar and Pillar shaped buoy.

Port Buoy

Purpose: Marks the port side of a channel.

Colour: Red in IALA A, Green in IALA B

Topmark: Can

Light Colour: Red in IALA A, Green in IALA B

Light Pattern: Red in any pattern except Fl(2+1) (Reserved for Preferred channel Marker)

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███            ███                
███            ▀▓▀                
███            ▒▓▒         ███████
███           ▒ ▒ ▒        ███████
███          ▒  ▒  ▒       ███████
███         █▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█      ███████
███         █████████      ███████

Isolated Danger

Purpose: Marks an area of danger below the buoy.

Colour: Black and Red

Topmark: Two Black Balls

Light Colour: White

Light Pattern: Flashing Group 2

Preferred Channel to Port

Purpose: Marks the Starboard side of a channel as well as the main channel for shipping traffic.

Colour: Green Red Green in IALA A, Red Green Red in IALA B.

Topmark: Cone

Light Colour: Green in IALA A, Red in IALA B

Light Pattern: Flashing 2+1


Preferred Channel to Starboard

Purpose: Marks the Port side of a channel as well as the main channel for shipping traffic.

Colour: Red Green Red in IALA A, Green Red Green in IALA B.

Topmark: Can

Light Colour: Red in IALA A, Green in IALA B

Light Pattern: Flashing 2+1

Special Mark

Purpose: Can be used to mark anything, check local chart.

Colour: Yellow

Topmark: Cross

Light Colour: Yellow

Light Pattern: Anything that cannot be confused with white lights (eg. Flashing 6 + 1 Long Flash) since yellow is similar.

